Posts filed under: Musings

In modern America, Dr. King has undergone a metamorphosis. We have all heard his inspiring words and have taken a piece of him into our hearts, but to our collective detriment, we attach our own ideologies before regurgitating him back...
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Not to brag, but I'm a bit of a rockstar when it comes to throwing goals out to the universe and having them come to fruition. Leveraging the New Year's energy shift is about more than jotting down a list....
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You would think all this extra time at home would result in massive creative output. You'd be wrong. I'm struggling to get through the things I need to do, much less the things I want to do. I want to...
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I’m setting a mid-year resolution. I want to get more serious about my Instagram. I started it almost exactly a year ago with the intention of using it to share my artwork. I knew keeping my personal IG and my...
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